Clave de licencia nvivo 11
Clave de licencia nvivo 11

clave de licencia nvivo 11 clave de licencia nvivo 11

Tension 2 involves index journal effects, affecting epistemic communities and autonomy in research agenda and encouraging the last sub-tension in this category, ethical misconduct. Tension 1 involves assessment factors, including internationalization, indicators as a starting point for incentives design, and evaluation mechanisms. This process revealed the tensions affecting research governance, divided into two central tensions with their associated sub-tensions. Finally, the results were analysed by the organization to understand the institutional changes. Furthermore, quantitative data analysed the scientific production data from each case study. In addition, qualitative data were obtained from 52 interviews, two focus groups, and a survey with different level actors in the scientific journal publishing activity. Literature reviews were conducted in different years, examining existing literature, policy, institutional documents, periodical discussions, and information gathered during academic events.

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To this end, this quantitative and qualitative study followed a timeline of Publindex’s most significant events from 1994 to 2021. This study sets out to understand how university research governance actors respond to the tensions produced by Publindex policy changes to determine the points that should be emphasized to alleviate them. These internationalization-driven changes in national policy have created tensions that must be managed by university research governance and its actors. This doctoral research examines the cascading effect produced by these international demands, which have prompted research-policy changes in Colombia’s National Scientific Journal Index and Policy Instrument, Publindex, influencing the incentives to promote knowledge production and dissemination, sometimes with adverse effects.

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This focus has led national science policy makers to revise their research evaluation models to comply with international standards, prompting changes in scientific journals that have influenced local scientific production ecosystems. The logic of international rankings standards has favoured scientometric indicators for measuring research, focusing mainly on evaluating scientific journals’ citations and impact factors.

Clave de licencia nvivo 11