If the problem with AWB in cameras persists, using post-processing software can serve as the terminus quo. Also, it will not hurt to get a newer camera as they are more advanced and accurate than older ones. Cloudy and dark sky doesn’t help AWB in accurately guessing the colors of the surroundings. AWB works best outdoors when natural light is abundant. Though sometimes it works wonders, the camera sometimes can get confused when the scene is illuminated by multiple light sources with different color temperatures, resulting in a color cast. This setting makes it possible for the camera to evaluate the scene and choose the best white balance setting to use so that the photograph turns out closest to what your eyes capture. Most cameras and post-image processing softwares come with an option to use Auto White Balance or AWB.

Let’s start with the white balance basics – auto white balance. Worry not, this article will discuss how to get perfect white balance so that your photos come out looking realistic. Improper lighting conditions are sometimes caused by fluorescent lights, incandescent bulbs, or shadows and can make an image appear sickly or muddy with all strange color tints. Getting the best white balance in a photo is the deciding factor on whether an image will turn out bright and vibrant or dull and lifeless.