Online multilingual proofreading tools
Online multilingual proofreading tools

In addition to offering the skills of translators working within a specific industry, our translators are familiar with professional documents.

online multilingual proofreading tools online multilingual proofreading tools

Each of our translators has experience in a particular industry, making their translations more accurate and reliable. Our company recognizes the growing need for translation services and provides multilingual translation and foreign language writing for a variety of industries including business, medical, legal, advertising, human resources, web, and technical. Our team of human translators offers thorough proofreading services that a client can depend on. Translation software can’t think about whether a portion of a letter may be misunderstood by a reader, and it won’t recognize jargon used in a particular industry. Our years of experience in the translation business have taught us the importance of utilizing human translators to complete projects. Some clients may assume this is a standard practice, but there are some foreign language translation companies that use translation software. We assign all of our multilingual translation and proofreading projects to human proofreaders. Editing is the bilingual review of both source and target languages to check for the same issues, in addition to checking for mistranslations or omissions from the source text.

online multilingual proofreading tools

Proofreading and editing services are both available, but are differentiated: proofreading is the review of one language (monolingual) for accuracy, spelling, grammar and style. Although proofreading is often one step in a multi-step process for document translation, we also offer proofreading as a separate service. Our translators have the skills, knowledge, and experience to offer a range of excellent services including multilingual translation and proofreading. Organizations and businesses of all kinds rely on ALTA’s high-quality proofreading, editing and translation services.

Online multilingual proofreading tools